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Eliminate buyer remorse and create happier customers.

Reduce returns, get better reviews and build customer loyalty with Visual Commerce.

Ever found yourself second-guessing an online purchase? It happens when the essential info needed for a smart decision is missing. This leads to returns, less-than-glowing reviews, and a decline in customer loyalty. Thankfully, our Visual Commerce solutions step in to make sure every customer confidently heads to checkout, leaving no room for post-purchase regrets.


Check item suitability with 3D & AR

Transform your PDP pages with configuration, 3D visualization, and Augmented Reality, guaranteeing precision in every purchase. Bid farewell to returns and welcome consistently satisfied customers.


Combine multiple items together and ensure compatibility.

Plan and decorate a room, match products together and ensure everything fits, looks great and is within budget with a web-based interior design tool built for your customers.


Visualise product combinations together using your current 2D library.

Let customers curate their perfect aesthetic using a simple to use visual canvas that stops indecision and maximises sales.


Provide consistent product imagery at scale & Increase buyer confidence.

Deliver CGI visuals that captivate every shopper. Create consistent imagery that helps them understand a products size and scale across multiple PDP's and reduce surprises.


Eliminating buyer remorse has its benefits...

Better reviews

When the shopping experience is great and the product arrives as expected, you are guaranteed to get great reviews from your satisfied customers.

Strong loyalty

When customers are happy you'll be on their mind when they are looking to purchase something similar. They'll even recommend you to others!

Reduce returns

Customers who've used our solutions are more confident when they purchase and less likely to reduce items that were wrong.


Built for retailers.
Designed for customers.

Hands off setup

Save your developers time and let us do all the hard work for you with setup and integration that works across every ecommerce platform.

Anywhere, any device

Fixtuur is built to engage customers online and in-store - on any device from anywhere in the world, so you never miss a sale.

3D modelling sorted

We handle all of your 3D modelling needs to ensure you can support any tool on our Visual Commerce Platform.

Let customers checkout with no regrets.


Implement Visual Commerce today and make every customer happy.


Give customers the full tour.

Explore the final design as if it was already built and give customers the confidence to purchase.